Call for Participation:The 1st SEAYAC Meeting will be held on November 5-9, 2012 in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines

South East Asian Young Astronomer Collaboration ( SEAYC) has announced it's first meeting that will be held in Philipines during November 5-9, 2012. The aim of the SEAYAC Meeting is to gather young astronomers (undergraduate, graduate and early post-docs) who are conducting research in astronomy and to provide a venue where they can present their work.

To get more updates of the meeting, please feel free to visit the SEAYC webpage:

You can get all the travel information from the official website of Consulate General of Republic of Philippines in Nepal:

Southeast Asian Young Astronomers Collaboration or SEAYAC is a group for young astronomer in South East Asian Region. The main objective of SEAYAC is to encourage interaction and collaborations between young astronomers from all Southeast Asian nations. Being a relatively new field in Southeast Asia, it is important that young astronomers get together in order to provide an environment for interaction, not just in astronomy, but also in the social, cultural and interpersonal level.


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