
Showing posts from November, 2010

Pulsating Star Mystery Solved!

By discovering the first double star where a pulsating Cepheid variable and another star pass in front of one another, an international team of astronomers has solved a decades-old mystery. The rare alignment of the orbits of the two stars in the double star system has allowed a measurement of the Cepheid mass with unprecedented accuracy. Up to now astronomers had two incompatible theoretical predictions of Cepheid masses. The new result shows that the prediction from stellar pulsation theory is spot on, while the prediction from stellar evolution theory is at odds with the new observations. for more on this please visit:

The Night Sky over Nepal: November,2010

Nov 1 : The Moon is 5 degrees S of Regulus in the East before dawn Nov 4 : A Waning Crescent Moon is about 7.5 degrees SE of Saturn in the East just before dawn Nov 6 : New Moon Nov 13 : First Quarter Moon Nov 16 : A Gibbous Moon is nearly 6.5 degrees away from Jupiter Nov 17/18 : The Leonids Meteor Shower will peak. This shower has produced meteor storms in the past, but no storm is expected this year. Also the Waxing Gibbous Moon will shine till after Mid-Night. Nov 18 : Neptune Eastern Quadrature Nov 20 : Mercury and Mars are just 1 deg 40’ apart in the W-SW, very low after Sunset. Nov 21 : Full Moon. Nov 22 : The Moon is just 1 deg 30’ away from M45-The Pleiades (after mid night) but an observer will have to use a binocular to glimpse M45. Nov 29 : A Last Quarter Moon is nearly 9 degrees from Regulus PLANET HIGHLIGHTS: MARS : Very low in Scorpius in the Western evening sky in the beginning of month. On 8th at evening Mars will share company with a very thin Crescent Moon and also ...