
Showing posts from December, 2010

Astro tour Sauraha 2010 concluded

Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) organize a tour to Sauraha during December 27-29,2010 to survey the sky quality and the natural heritage of Nepal. The team comprising 7 people from different sectors and headed by Rishi Shah, president of NASO. This is one the regular events that NASO organises since last year and also it's last event for the year 2010! Wish you all a happy new year 2011!

Report on Geminids 2010 from Nepal is out now!

Nepal Astronomical Society (NASO) conducted Geminids Observation and submitted the data to International Meteor Organization (IMO) for the first time. This submission was possible as Mr. Suresh Bhattarai, founder secretary of NASO and member of IMO joined International Meteor Conference (IMC) 2010 in Armagh, Northern Ireland (UK). He conducted the observation during December 13 and 14, 2010 and observed 30 meteors per hour ( avarage) on December 14, 2010. NASO has predicted 60 to 120 meteors per hour ( ZHR rate) before. Mr.Bhattarai explained "Every year, we have two great moments to enjoy these beautiful meteors one in August i.e. Perseids and another is Geminids with consistent number of meteors". Also, he requested all the Nepalese meteor lovers to wait until January 4 to enjoy Quadrantid Meteor Shower. The reduced number of Geminids was because of the light pollution in Kathmandu valley and of course the peak time fell during a day time i.e. 16:45 NPT ( Nepalese Time)! Th...

Geminid Meteor Shower Tonight!

One of the best meteor showers of the year the Geminids are expected to exhibit consistently prolific flashes of shooting stars in the night of 14 to 15 December 2010. Circa sixty to one hundred and twenty streaks of tiny particles that burn up fairly seventy kilometers high above earth’s surface as they slam through our atmosphere with speeds of approximately thirty five kilometers per hour could be admirably observed in the sky well after the down ( eastern sky) to dusk ( western sky). Since the streaming meteor shower seems to be emanating from a point alias radiant in the sky lying vividly near glittering star Castor (Kasturi) in the zodiacal constellation Gemini (twins), it is conventionally identified as famed Geminid Meteor Shower. The origin of this moderately swift Geminid Meteor Shower is linked to mysterious object called Phaethon-3200 that looks like cross between a weird asteroid and quaintly burned-out comet. Though the shower peaks at 4:45 PM on Tuesday, December 14, 2...

NAST celebrates 28th Anniversary on December 6, 2010!

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology(NAST) celebrated its 28th anniversary at its premises this morning. Addressing the celebration,cheif guest science and Technology State Minister Mr. Indra Prasad Dhungel said that the state will insvent more in R & D in coming days. He explained that the government will be happy to start many interesting projects that Nepalese scientist are dong in their level if they seeks help from the state. Meanwhile, Vince Chancelor Prof. Dr. Surendra Raj Kafle stressed that NAST will help to foster the scientific community in Nepal with its full strength. During the ceremony, several scientist from different areas and the NAST staffs serving over 25 years were awarded.

अप्रिल २०११- विश्‍वव्यापी खगोल महिना: याद राखौं

अप्रिल २०११ फेरी एक पटक सम्पूर्ण खगोलविदहरुकालागी व्यस्त महिना हुनेछ किनभने फेरी एक पटक विश्‍वव्यापी खगोल महिना (GAM ) आफ्नो दोस्रो अध्याय लिएर फर्किएको छ । एस्ट्रोनोमर्स विदआउट बोर्डर्स (AWB) नामक संस्थाले आयोजना गर्ने यस वार्षिक कार्यक्रम अप्रिल महिना भरी संचालन हुन्छ । अन्तराष्ट्रिय खगोल वर्ष २००९ को एक कार्यक्रम '१०० HA' को निरन्तरता स्वरूप ब्रम्हाण्डको उत्सव मनाएर विश्‍वव्यापी खगोल महिना संसार भरी मनाइन्छ । सम्पूर्ण खगोल सम्बन्धित संस्था, पाठशाला, विज्ञान केन्द्र तथा खगोलमा रुची राख्ने व्यक्तीहरुलाई यस महिनामा खगोल सम्बन्धी विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु जस्तै सेमिनार, वक्तीत्व, अवलोकन आदी संचालन गरेर यस महिना खगोलको उत्सव मनाउन आव्हान गरिन्छ । विश्‍वव्यापी कार्यक्रम अथवा आफ्नै सोचाइ अनुरूप कार्यक्रमहरु आयोजना गरेर GAM २०११ मनाउन सकिनेछ । यो GAM को दोस्रो अध्याय हो जुन GAM २०१० को अत्याधिक सफलता पछी त्यसैको निरन्तरता स्वरूप आयोजना हुँदैछ । पहिलेको वर्ष AWB ले सातओटा विश्‍वव्यापी कार्यक्रमहरु संयोजन गरेको थियो जसमा आकाशीय पिण्डको अवलोकन, विश्‍व शान्ती कार्यक्रम, प्रकाश प्रदुशण आदीका ...

December NIight Sky 2010!

-By Er. Rishi Shah As darkness descends on earth the night sky becomes alive with twinkling stars, gleaming planets and other arcane entities that cover the entire sky magnificently. The zodiacal constellations of Capricornus (sea goat), Aquarius (water bearer), Pisces (fishes), Aries (ram), Taurus (bull) and Gemini (twins) are sprawling across the sky from western to eastern horizon. The Great Square of Pegasus (winged horse) is flying high dominatingly in evening sky. Constellations Andromeda (chained princess), Perseus (legendary hero), Lynx (feline animal), Camelopardalis (giraffe) and Auriga (charioteer) are unfurling towards northeast from Pegasus. Fulgent Capella (Brahma Ridaya) decorates Auriga. It is significantly fourty two light-years away. Constellations Orion (hunter), Eridanus (river), Cetus (whale) and Monoceros (unicorn) are spreading across southeastern sky. Circumpolar constellations Draco (dragon), Cepheus (king) , Cassiopeia (queen) and Ursa Major (big bear) are cir...

NAST celebrates its 28th anniversary today!

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology(NAST) celebrated its 28th anniversary at its premises this morning. Addressing the celebration,cheif guest science and Technology State Minister Mr. Indra Prasad Dhungel said that the state will insvent more in R & D in coming days. He explained that the government will be happy to start many interesting projects that Nepalese scientist are dong in their level if they seeks help from the state. Meanwhile, Vince Chancelor Prof. Dr. Surendra Raj Kafle stressed that NAST will help to foster the scientific community in Nepal with its full strength. During the ceremony, several scientist from different areas and the NAST staffs serving over 25 years were awarded. ( Full report coming soon)