16th SET Exhibition 2011: A busy day for astronomical outreach in Kathmandu!
Today, I remained extremely busy showing THE SUN to the participants of SET exhibition at my college.Though the programme started officially at 09:30 Hrs, I have already started to show look into the Sun and the spot that has been formed for last couple of days. We had put our project " Promoting Space Science Education and Astronomy in Nepal" for which our team had worked for several week. Though we plan for CCD imaging and live streaming of the Sun in the screen, we could not do that because of heavy crowd since morning. Our team had been composed of M.Sc. physics ( second year) and B.Sc. Physics (third year) to show the possibilities of intra class collaboration for such project in coming days and for greater interaction among the Physics students in the college. Today we had three parallel session, one explanation of the posters and formation or galaxies and role of citizen to discover his/her position in this vast universe! G.D. Pudasaini ( B.Sc.) and Shekhar Phuyal( M....